E3 Vision Alignment with the RU–C Strategic Plan

E3 Vision Alignment with the RU–C Strategic Plan

The vision and mission of the Institute for Empowering Equitable Education in STEM parallels the university-wide strategic plan, showcasing a dedication to serving our local community. These visions align with the strategic pillars of the plan, describing where key efforts are concentrated.

Rutgers University–Camden’s Strategic Plan for 2023-2028

“A Century and Beyond of Excellence, Commitment, and Elevation,” aims to guide the university into its next era. It focuses on five strategic pillars: Innovation in Academic Excellence, Transformative Student Success, Holistic Student Experience, Beloved Camden Community, and Internationalization. These pillars are designed to elevate Rutgers-Camden’s standing as a leader among urban public research universities, focusing on research, teaching, experiential learning, and civic engagement. The plan emphasizes affordability, access, student success, diversity, equity, inclusion, and global engagement, reflecting Rutgers-Camden’s commitment to fostering an inclusive, supportive, and globally connected community​.

By aligning E3’s vision, mission, and strategic goals with the strategic pillars of Rutgers University-Camden’s Strategic Plan 2023-2028, E3 can effectively contribute to the university’s overarching objectives while addressing specific needs within STEM education. This alignment ensures that E3’s efforts are coherent with and reinforce the university’s strategic directions, maximizing the impact of both E3 and the broader strategic plan on students, faculty, the Camden community, and beyond.

  • E3 Vision Alignment: Foster innovative, research-based teaching methods and curricula in STEM to contribute to academic excellence.
  • Mission Integration: Develop ‘Student-Ready’ Environments and Equip Faculty and Staff with tools for inclusive pedagogy, supporting the pillar’s focus on academic innovation and preeminence.
  • Strategic Goals Support: Cultivate excellence in STEM education through innovative teaching and curricula that align with the university’s push for preeminence in academic offerings.
  • E3 Vision Alignment: Empower students from all backgrounds to become competent, compassionate leaders in STEM, reflecting the university’s commitment to student success and leadership development.
  • Mission Integration: Empowering Students through mentorship, research opportunities, and leadership development, directly supporting the goal of preparing compassionate leaders.
  • Strategic Goals Support: Enhance learning outcomes and foster an inclusive community, critical steps toward transformative student success and leadership preparation in STEM.
  • E3 Vision Alignment: Create a community of lifelong learners and innovators, contributing to a holistic student experience by addressing the diverse needs of 21st-century learners.
  • Mission Integration: Address barriers and themes identified through self-study, such as the need for flexible learning options and support structures that cater to diverse student populations.
  • Strategic Goals Support: Building a welcoming, inclusive environment and supporting student engagement in critical STEM activities align with the goal of enhancing the holistic student experience.
  • E3 Vision Alignment: Cultivate a community committed to solving complex problems and advancing societal well-being, echoing the university’s commitment to the Camden community.
  • Mission Integration: Leverage existing campus initiatives like K-12 outreach and community engagement programs to support the pillar’s focus on community advancement.
  • Strategic Goals Support: Engage with local and global communities through partnerships and community-oriented projects, directly contributing to the common good.
  • E3 Vision Alignment: Develop a community of innovators and responsible global citizens, supporting the university’s aim for internationalization.
  • Mission Integration: Promote Research and Scholarship on a global scale by facilitating the dissemination of findings and innovations in STEM education.
  • Strategic Goals Support: Support faculty and students in international collaborations and research efforts, enhancing Rutgers-Camden’s global presence in STEM education.